We support the development of an online platform that presents local approaches to promote the inclusion of refugees and people with a history of migration.
The program is giving five German municipalities the chance to implement digitally and socially innovative integration projects. We provide them with trained people from business and civil society to work on solutions for local...
Teacher training is regulated differently in each country and also varies from college to college. "Monitor Teacher Training" presents this diversity clearly and concisely for Germany, providing up-to-date information for...
A desire for empowerment, diversity, emancipation and leadership: With this project we want to strengthen migrant organisations in the development of their work.
In Bioregions all over Europe local stakeholder processes are facilitated in order to tackle the regions’ most burning issues, e.g. drought, water management, biodiversity loss.
Statelessness and undetermined nationality have severe consequences but receive limited attention from both the public and political spheres. Our partners advocate for including statelessness on the political agenda and working...
DemoSlam relies on dialogue to foster understanding. It draws together people with contrasting opinions, equipping them with the space and tools to tolerate difference and relearn the ability to handle conflict.
The worldlab project brings together young people in preparatory and regular classes of vocational and general education schools to discuss shared values.
We are a member of the Foundations Platform F20. Through F20, philanthropic actors call for joint, transnational action towards achieving the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals. The network shows solutions to the...
The award was launched to honor educational achievements and help make them usable to improve the quality of schools all over Germany and in German international schools. The competition is based on six quality criteria:...
People and their democracy in Germany, France, Britain, Poland, and the United States. This representative study puts attitudes toward democracy in the five countries under the microscope.
Europe Prykhystok supports children-victims of the war in Ukraine by facilitating innovative partnerships between local actors from Ukraine and Europe.
The Mayors Migration Council empowers and enables cities to engage in migration diplomacy and policymaking at the international, regional and national level. The aim is to ensure that global responses to migrant and refugee...
Within a new, remote cross-border newsroom, we support underrepresented journalists whose stories are missing from the international news. Including a more diverse range of voices allows the media to report in a more nuanced...
We support projects, that give scientific answers to questions such as mobility, nourishment and environmental problems. The goal of Our Common Future is to give students and teachers the opportunity to discover the latest...
The annual report highlights key topical issues of mixed migration movements. Featuring a selection of data from approximately 10,000 interviews a year conducted with refugees and migrants around the world, the report...
Ukrainian NGO working on the postwar recovery of Ukrainian cities and territories. The approach is data-driven and brings global practices to solve local challenges.
Germany has an active civil society, with some 23 million people involved in work for the public good. To do so, they require structures, resources and contact points on a local level. This is where our network program comes in.
Systems based on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and automated decision-making (ADM) are increasingly being experimented with and used on migrants, refugees and travelers. Our partner AlgorithmWatch explores how to enable...
The prize commemorates the lifetime achievements of philanthropist Otto Mühlschlegel and, until 2020, honored individuals who have shown outstanding commitment to the cause of old age and aging. Since 2024, the Otto...
We are training staff of Palestinian and Israeli peacebuilding organizations, providing both trauma support for them and lessons on how to integrate a trauma-informed approach into all programming. We foster collaboration and...
This project will provide practical support to a number of countries in the Global South as their food, eco and land use systems face serious challenges in the context of climate change. Through joint learning, innovation, and...
How can power and resources be shifted to local actors? We support the peacebuilding organization Peace Direct, which is dedicated to transforming the international peacebuilding system.
We promote integration hubs as local places for exchange and collaboration between newcomers and people who are already resident. The space is used for encounters, advice and the development of new ideas for the...