Digitalization in the field of education is a complex challenge that affects all of society. With the Forum Education and Digitalization, several major German foundations have joined forces to provide a platform for actors from the areas of educational practice, politics, science, economics, and society: Deutsche Telekom Stiftung, Bertelsmann Stiftung, Dieter Schwarz Stiftung, Montag Stiftung Jugend und Gesellschaft, Robert Bosch Stiftung, Siemens Stiftung, Stiftung Mercator und Joachim Herz Stiftung. The foundations are convinced that digital media can help to overcome educational challenges such as dealing with diverse learning groups. In this way, they can help make our education system better and promote greater participation and equal opportunities.The foundations invite anyone who shares these beliefs to take part in a systematic exchange for the purpose of learning from and with each other. To this end, the initiative has established a platform connecting government, science, economics, and society to start an open discussion about digitalization in education and to work collaboratively on a practical strategy for the German education system.