
Events of the
Robert Bosch Stiftung

Atrium of the Robert Bosch Stiftung, Berlin

Find all english speaking events of the Robert Bosch Stiftung and the Robert Bosch Academy. Join us and get insights into our work and the work of our partners!
All public events require registration. Non-public events are aimed at selected target groups, such as participants of our projects.

Manuel Frauendorf Fotografie
July 16
04:00 pm (C.E.T.), Online
Expert Briefing

Iraq’s Enduring Challenges: Environmental Damage and Public Health in a Post-Conflict Landscape

Join us for a panel discussion on environment and public health in Iraq.
June 26
06:00 pm (C.E.T.), Berlin

Fireside Chat with Sanam Naraghi Anderlini

About We live in contradictory times. It is an era of extreme identity-based pluralism – from race faith and ethno-nationalism to gender, age and sexuality and so much more, we are each being pulled in different directions to ascribe our identity and groupings.
June 18
05:00 pm (C.E.T.), Berlin

10th Anniversary Celebration of the Robert Bosch Academy

The Robert Bosch Academy is proud to mark its anniversary on Tuesday, 18 June 2024, at 5:00 pm at the Robert Bosch Stiftung (Französische Strasse 32, 10117 Berlin).  We are delighted to dedicate the evening to the Academy's core mission: facilitating solution-oriented exchange to address global challenges.
June 5
06:30 pm (C.E.T.), Berlin

Academy Debate: Nation of Strangers – Redefining Home in the 21st Century

We are witnessing the highest level of global displacement in recorded history, with no end in sight. Wars, inequalities, climate change, and the desire to be free or to be, drive thousands to begin their lives anew in a foreign country every day.
May 31
09:00 am – 04:00 pm (C.E.T.), Berlin
Networking Event

Youth Negotiators Academy - Funders Convening

Trust-building, sustainability and collaboration – Convening the funders of the Youth Negotiators Academy
May 27
06:00 pm (C.E.T.), Berlin

Academy Debate: Justice and Trust in Law Enforcement: Bridging the Gap

The event focuses on racial profiling, trust in the police and justice and discusses German and European perspectives from civil society, politicians, academia and the police.
May 24
09:00 am (C.E.T.), Berlin

Rebuilding Healthcare: From fractured sickcare to sustainable healthcare

In cooperation between the Robert Bosch Academy and the Bosch Health Campus, we invite you to a one-day conference to examine the application of technology and knowledge to secondary prevention as a first step to building sustainable health.
April 25 – April 26, 2024
10:00 am – 05:30 pm (C.E.T.), Berlin

Putting Artificial Intelligence into the Service of Society: What Role Can Strategic Communicators Play?

The spring 2024 programme of the strategic communications community of practice of Philanthropy Europe Association (Philea) will be diving into the theme of Artificial Intelligence (AI).
April 18
06:30 – 08:00 pm (C.E.T.), Berlin
Panel Discussion

Red Sea Hostilities: Risks to Yemen’s Peace Process and Regional Security

This event aims to discuss the current situation in Yemen and its impact on the peace process as well as the regional implications.
April 16
06:00 pm (C.E.T.), Berlin

Anniversary Debate: Climate Justice – From Negotiations to Real Action: What Needs to Change?

As part of our 10th Anniversary, we invite you to discuss visions for Climate Justice and rethink the way we address climate change.
April 15
05:00 pm (C.E.T.), Berlin

Film Screening and Debate: Amplifying Agency of Marginalized Groups through Civil Society Initiatives

We invite you to a Film Screening of "The Neighborhood Storyteller" and a discussion around migration movements and the work of civil society and marginalized groups.
March 4
04:00 – 05:00 pm (C.E.T.), Online
Expert Briefing

Highlevel Roundtable in sight of European election 2024 – What Agrifood-Strategy does the EU need?

What agricultural and food policy does Europe need after the 2024 election? We want to have a debate about this with distinguished experts in Europe.
March 4 – March 5, 2024
Networking Event

SCIANA - The Health leaders network

Sciana unites health leaders across country borders to strenghten their collective resilience and support problem solving to future health challenges. 
Feb. 18
01:30 pm (C.E.T.),

Robert Bosch Academy: Reflections on the Munich Security Conference

The Robert Bosch Academy organized a side event to bring together all Richard von Weizsäcker fellows who attended the Munich Security Conference. During an informal lunch, the fellows were able to reflect on the insights and main takeaways of the conference.
Feb. 15
05:00 pm (C.E.T.), Berlin

Anniversary Debate: Artificial Intelligence in a Year of Elections

In 2023, AI dominated headlines and became a new way for billions of people to write, create images, and search for information. AI has also emerged as a technology that will be instrumentalized to influence elections. The AI industry is now controlled by a select few corporations, the power is concentrated.
Feb. 6
06:00 pm (C.E.T.), Berlin

Academy Debate: Contours of Contestation – Middle Powers’ Impact on the International Order

About: While there is considerable uncertainty and disagreement about the shape of the future international order, a key issue is the role that Middle Powers will play in shaping it.
Feb. 1
03:00 pm (C.E.T.), Berlin

Academy Workshop: Health and Dignity – A Lifespan Approach to Health and Wellbeing

About The “health and dignity” approach to wellbeing is centred on enhancing health and happiness throughout an individual's life. Its primary focus is to minimize the occurrence of avoidable diseases.
Dec. 13, 2023
06:00 pm (C.E.T.), Berlin

FROM HERE: film screening and conversation with Wings and Roots

About Filmed over ten years, FROM HERE is the hopeful story of Tania, Sonny, Miman and Akim – artists and activists coming of age in Berlin and New York who share the experience of being questioned about where they are “really from.
Dec. 7, 2023
06:00 pm (C.E.T.), Berlin

Academy Debate: War, Memory, and Emotions - Decoding Europe's Responses to the War in Ukraine

About The resurgence of war in Europe’s consciousness has profoundly shaken the collective consciousness of its inhabitants. As images and narratives from the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine flooded media outlets, Europeans were forced to confront not just the current crisis, but echoes of their continent's tumultuous past.
Dec. 4, 2023
06:00 pm (C.E.T.), Berlin

Academy Debate: Decolonizing the Internet in and from Europe

About the event: What does “decolonizing the internet” mean? The discussion will deepen our understandings and practices of digital rights and internet infrastructures in Germany and the European Union, so that the internet becomes “for and from us all”.