About the project

While the impacts of climate change manifest differently in Iraq, Iraq is the fifth most vulnerable country to climate change worldwide (UNEP).  
Combined with long-standing grievances between various communities, weak governance capacities and a delicate power balance of key political stakeholders, the additional pressure of climate change on contested and scarce resources is already exacerbating conflict dynamics.
The project is jointly implemented by the Berghof Foundation and the Peace Paradigms Organisation. It aims at enhancing understanding and supporting dialogue on the local level. It entails an analysis of the climate-conflict-nexus in three different Iraqi districts. This serves to better understand the impact of climate change on the conflict dynamics. Building on the analysis and using climate change as an entry point for peacebuilding and mediation efforts, a local-level dialogue platform will be established. The dialogue sessions focus on the impacts of climate change on local conflict dynamics resulting in a local agreement to address one of the identified pressing issues. 

[DE Copy] Video: Drops of Hope

Your contact persons

Sonja Neuweiler
Senior Advisor
Berghof Foundation
e-mail to Sonja Neuweiler
Nike Löble
Junior Project Manager
Berghof Foundation
e-mail to Nike Löble
Peshtiwan Al Dawoudi
Senior Project Manager
Berghof Foundation
e-mail to Peshtiwan Al Dawoudi

Contact at Robert Bosch Stiftung

Irene Weinz
Senior Expert
Phone+49 711 46084-160
e-mail to Irene Weinz