
The Chain of Influence Framework for Systems Change

Shifting Power to Local Peace Actors

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“Local Peacebuilders are the Core of Building Sustainable Peace”

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In Brief

About the partnership

The Robert Bosch Stiftung collaborates with and supports key actors such as Conducive Space for Peace (CSP) that share the Foundation’s understanding that true local ownership is the foundation of sustainable peace and that want to enhance the power and agency of local actors in conflict affected contexts. CSP aims to transform the international system of support to peacebuilding in a manner that puts local leadership first and changes the structures, attitudes, practices, and processes of collaboration between international and local actors working to promote sustainable peace. Robert Bosch Stiftung provides CSP with a multi-year core grant to play a catalytic role in the global peacebuilding system. Additionally, we exchange learnings and seek complementarities, where conducive, towards shared goals to increase our collective impact. 

Contact person

Mie Roesdahl
Conducive Space for Peace
e-mail to Mie Roesdahl