Global Issues


How can inequalities be addressed and reduced?

News and insights

Video report

How to achieve fairness in care work

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Reopening the doors to the housing market

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"The internet reinforces injustice and prejudice"

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The Lottery of Life

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Democracy is not a question of money

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Reducing Inequality

How a citizens' council could contribute to tax justice

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Inequality of wealth in germany

Wealth for all - but how?

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Community spirit in Cali: Citizen Participation transforms an informal settlement

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New e-booklet

The Transformative Power of Intersectionality

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Principles for Intersectionality in Social Change Work

"Intersectionality is a prism, through which to look at the world"

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The contribution of philanthropy to reducing inequalities

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How tomorrows news could also read

Inequalities have been drastically reduced!

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Technology and Inequality

“Society as a whole will benefit from feminist digital politics”

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Reducing Inequality

Visions for an Equitable Digital Future

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“We Keep Underestimating the Power of Youth”

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In a nutshell

UN Climate Summit in Glasgow: Between Success and Disappointment

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Guest contribution

Getting to the Table: Disability, Inequality and the Pandemic

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How Can We Achieve a More Just World?

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Beyond Net-Zero

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What the Eye Does Not See…: Fighting Inequality with Better Data

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Narratives That Represent All

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“We Need to Break the Silos”

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The Many Faces of Inequality

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Tackling Digital Inequality Together

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What we are focusing on

The Foundation supports projects that reduce inequality systemically, considering power inequalities and multiple layers of oppression. For sustainable change, disadvantaged groups in particular must be included in the development of joint solutions.

Technological change

Technological change permeates all areas of our society and changes the way we live together. In the application of e.g. automated facial recognition or decision-making systems, it is evident that technologies perpetuate many forms of discrimination that also exist in the analog world. However, the needs of marginalized groups are rarely included in the development and use of new technologies and their political regulations. The Foundation’s funding centers the perspectives of those communities based on the understanding that technological change can only contribute to social and global justice when participation of all is ensured.

Climate change as a social issue

The impacts of climate change are leading to an increase in global inequality. People who are currently well off are able to deal with the negative effects more easily than poorer and marginalized communities. However, ecological inequality can only be effectively reduced through joint efforts – in all regions and with all social groups. Measures to protect the climate and reduce inequalities must therefore be addressed jointly. Here lies an opportunity for a more equitable society, in which to date rarely heard voices are accounted for and can shape future developments.

Open funding of systemic approaches

The various forms of inequality manifest themselves in numerous areas of society and affect different groups in society. Within this broad spectrum, the foundation therefore supports other actors and approaches that work systemically to reduce inequality. Proposals should thus pay particular attention to addressing the structural causes of inequality, achieving long-term social change, working across siloes, and centering the perspectives of marginalized groups in the process.

More information

Portraits of the members of the advisory group

Inequality Advisory Group

Over the next few years, the Foundation will be working with renowned experts from various sectors on the topic of inequality. As the Inequality Advisory Group, they will advise the Robert Bosch Stiftung on their future work.

Discover our projects


Making Voices Heard and Count

We support the “Leave No One Behind” partnership, founded in 2017, which has developed a data-based approach to reducing inequalities at the...

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Unbias the News

Within a new, remote cross-border newsroom, we support underrepresented journalists whose stories are missing from the international news. Including a more diverse range of voices allows the media to report in a more nuanced...

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Wealth Inequality and Elites in the Global South

What characterizes wealth inequality in the Global South and what role do elites play in creating and maintaining it? This interdisciplinary...

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Forging a Path to Equality in a Digital World

CONCORD analyzes and influences EU international cooperation for more equal, just and inclusive societies, with a special emphasis on the influence...

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The 1.5-Degree Pledge for Society

Within this project, we support the development of guidelines for an environmentally sustainable and socially just future from the perspective of...

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We are building an UrbanCommunity for sustainable and just cities in Europe through micro-funds and peer-learning.  

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Wellbeing Ecomomy Alliance

Co-designing economic policies to address multiple interlinked crises.

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Supporting systems change, participation and learning in philanthropy.

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Berlin Kiezprojekt Partnership

In this project, we support tenants in Berlin through community organizing methods to build strong community initiatives.

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Democracy, Inequality

Citizens' council ZUKUNFT:STEUERN

A feasibility study is examining whether the topic of "justice and taxes" is suitable for a nationwide citizens' council.

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Understanding Inequality at Grassroots

The aim of the project is to better understand factors that impede social mobility. Therefore, we promote exchange between the OECD and civil...

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Systemic Justice – The Movement’s Law Firm

The organization works towards a world where marginalized communities have the power to use court rooms to foster social change and secure racial,...

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Young and Online in African Cities

Tech based activations for just and sustainable urban development

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The aim of the project is to develop a recovery framework for Ukrainian municipalities severely damaged by war. 

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Collective Abundance

Shifting European philanthropy from a climate change to a climate justice agenda.  

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Fight Inequality Alliance

The Fight Inequality Alliance is a collective response to growing imbalance of power and wealth across the world. It unites movements across...

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Support for Racial Justice in Europe

This project aims to reduce racism and inequality at the European level in various policy areas and from an intersectional perspective.

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Decolonising Digital Rights

In this project, the Digital Freedom Fund is looking at fundamental processes that lead to discrimination mechanisms and structural problems online...

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Institute for Economic Justice

Empowering progressive social forces in South Africa and beyond to create systemic change from above and below through research, policy, and...

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  • Acute humanitarian emergency aid
  • Infrastructure projects or costs, construction projects, investments, renovation measures, operating equipment
  • Projects that are in the past, have already begun or are about to begin
  • Material purchases, printing cost subsidies and evaluation measures beyond the projects we have already funded
  • Individuals can only be funded within the framework of project-specific calls for proposals. This also applies to doctoral projects or fellowships.

Your contact person

Atje Drexler
Senior Vice President
Inequality, Peace
Phone+49 711 46084-420
e-mail to Atje Drexler
Lilia Torno
Team Assistant
Phone+49 711 46084-149
e-mail to Lilia Torno