In the area of Education support, we are committed to sustainable daycare centers and schools in Germany. With our own projects and through our funding, we test solutions and gather knowledge that benefits the entire education system. We work closely with stakeholders from educational institutions, administration, research and politics to accomplish these goals.

What we focus on

Vera Loitzsch

Good schools and preschools

Schools and preschools must see themselves as learning organizations and pursue continuous organizational development so they can address the challenges they face. For many years, we have been pursuing the approach “from practice for practice.” Grounded in an evidence-based understanding of quality, we identify good practices and facilitate the transfer of knowledge gained from experience. In this self-reinforcing cycle, we support innovative schools and preschools in testing new solutions so others can learn from and adapt them. For example, we are constantly developing further training and school development programs based on the concepts of schools that have won the German School Award.

Future-proof education system

Merely showing and disseminating examples of best practices is not enough to bring about sustainable change in the education system. This is why we work closely with stakeholders in education administration and education policy and jointly develop tailor-made support services for different systems. This also includes networking and training opportunities for decision-makers in administration. Our cooperation with ministries of education and state institutions ensures that the necessary conditions are created and that measures can have a long-term effect. In our programs, we see ourselves as a bridge that facilitates and moderates the exchange between educational practice, administration, politics and research.   

Read our stories

German School Award

These are the 2023 award-winning schools

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Mental health of children and adolescents

Why schools must think of education and well-being as inseparable

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German School Barometer

More and more children worry about their family's financial situation

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Educational equity: Poor Parents, Poor Opportunities?

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Look into the Future

A Day At School in 2035

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On the road with the German School Award jury

Scouting out good schools

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Inclusive School

Diversity welcome

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German School Award: Identifying and recognizing good practices

Since 2006, together with the Heidehof Foundation, we have been recognizing good schools with the German School Award, the most prestigious and most highly endowed award for good schools in Germany. The competition has since developed into a nationwide network with over 100 award-winning schools. An application is always a win. In addition to feedback, all applicant schools receive exclusive training, advice and networking opportunities.

German School Portal: Making good practices visible and disseminating it

We want good practices to spread. That's why we launched the German School Portal in 2018. This is where we bundle digital services for developing schools and teaching. On the online platform, educators will find a diverse digital training program, films that offer insights into the concepts of the school award winners, current information, infographics, reports and guest contributions from experts from research and practice.

Huyen Truong

German School Barometer: Current data on the state of schools

We regularly commission representative surveys on the current state of schools in Germany and make the results available to a broad public. The German School Barometer makes it possible to describe developments at an early stage, as people who help shape and experience schools and teaching on a daily basis are surveyed throughout Germany. The surveys are carried out by the opinion research institute Forsa. 


Monitor Education and Mental Health (Bipsy-Monitor)

In this project, we support the development of a nationwide monitor that maps the psychosocial care of children and adolescents in outpatient psychotherapy care structures and educational institutions. The goal is to improve psychosocial care in outpatient psychotherapy practices and schools in a sustainable and data-based manner.

Our subsidiary

Robert Bosch College UWC

Robert Bosch College UWC's mission it is to "make education a force to unite people, nations and cultures for peace and a sustainable future."

Your contact persons

Dr. Dagmar Wolf
Senior Vice President
Quality in Education, Education System
Phone+49 711 46084-138
e-mail to Dr. Dagmar Wolf
Andrea Preußker
Phone+49 711 46084-758
e-mail to Andrea Preußker

Learn more about our projects


grips gewinnt - Student Scholarship

The scholarship supports high-performing and dedicated students. In addition to providing financial aid, it also offers a wide variety of...

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School development / Development in pre-school and daycare, Learning

LeiQplus – Qualification for Daycare Center Directors

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School development / Development in pre-school and daycare, Learning

The German School Barometer

What is the current situation at schools in Germany? What challenges are teachers, children and young people facing? We use representative surveys...

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School development / Development in pre-school and daycare, Learning

Bipsy Monitor Education and Mental Health

In this project, we support the development of a nationwide child and adolescent monitor that maps the mental health care of children and...

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School development / Development in pre-school and daycare

Early Childhood Education Development Forum

Daycare centers are the first educational institutions the youngest members of our society experience. The forum is dedicated to their...

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School development / Development in pre-school and daycare

Daycare Center Development: Impulses for practice

The project provides concrete impulses on how to advance the development of day care centers in practice. The results of the previous project Early...

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School development / Development in pre-school and daycare

DBSE DesignLab with a focus on school development consulting

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