Foundation focus 2025

Our democracy depends on us

We live in a time when trust in democratic institutions and processes is waning and far-right parties are gaining ground. Germany and Europe face a challenging task: They must protect democracy and strengthen social cohesion. 
The Robert Bosch Stiftung is committed to a liberal democracy and a society in which citizens continually pursue civic education and actively shape and defend democracy. 

People demonstrate in Essen, Germany (Jun 2024)
IMAGO/Markus Matzel

A living democracy

We promote constructive dialogue and strengthening of our community. Together with our partners, we encourage people to engage with controversial topics, always trying to see things from a different perspective, accept differences and make compromises. Learning about democratic principles begins in day care and schools, which is why democracy education for schoolchildren and teachers also plays a major role in our support. Teaching news and information literacy, practicing a lively culture of debate, setting an example by actively taking responsibility for oneself and others, are more important than ever. 

For that reason, we are awarding a Democracy Education Prize for the first time in 2025 as part of the German School Award on September 30, 2025, together with the Heidehof Stiftung. With this award, we want to recognize schools that convincingly promote democratic values and skills and thus enable their students to learn democracy through experience.

“In 2025, we at the Robert Bosch Stiftung want to strengthen democracy – and social cohesion in particular – in Germany. The motto of this effort is ‘Our democracy depends on us.’ With this in mind, we want to draw attention to successful examples from our funding support in practice. Because as you know, encouraging people is our mission.” 

Quote fromDr. Bernhard Straub, CEO of Robert Bosch Stiftung

Since its inception, the Robert Bosch Stiftung has been committed to civic engagement. The legacy of Robert Bosch has steadfastly held us to supporting social engagement, because this is the only way to preserve freedom and human dignity in the long run. In 2020, we made democracy an explicit funding topic. This year, we are specifically showcasing positive examples from programs we support in order to share our experiences, inspire others and encourage them to follow suit. We believe deeply that each and every one of us bears responsibility for our democracy.

Read more
Appeal ‘Stay the course’

A future worth living requires strong climate action and local commitment

Climate expert Tabea Lissner explains why climate protection urgently needs to become a political issue again and what each individual...
February 10, 2025

The future of social cohesion

How do we avoid social division and create a resilient democracy? Five possible future scenarios.
July 15, 2024
A culture of dialog

Enduring controversial opinions – the demoSlam shows how it’s done

The demoSlam promotes constructive debate and the ability to tolerate differences in a democracy.
June 05, 2024

Learning democracy on a small scale

In the student parliament, students learn that their opinions matter. A school visit shows how having a say and being involved can impact our democracy.
August 15, 2023

Active on site: Our projects

We use real-life and innovative formats to impart essential democracy skills – for example, in everyday spaces: clubs, parents' groups, shopping centers, sports facilities, hairdressing salons and many more. However, companies, too, can contribute to a strong, resilient society that is oriented toward the common good. That is why some of our projects focus on in-house training for employees to help them acquire democracy skills.

We also support projects in larger municipalities and border regions in Germany. We want to encourage people to play an active role in shaping their region – for example, to influence local food policy. The aim is to create a cooperative, participatory culture between politics, public administration, civil society and the population. In addition, we want to help build strong and resilient communities (e.g. neighborhoods) that actively counter discrimination and hostility.


Strong Teachers – Strong Students

The project “Strong teachers - strong students” enables teachers to take part in a three-year qualification and coaching process in dealing with anti-democratic attitudes and behavior among pupils.



The worldlab strengthens the democratic skills of students at general and vocational schools in Baden-Württemberg.

Two teenagers with a megaphone on stage


“DemoSlam” brings people with different opinions together and offers them the space and the tools to exchange their different views in an entertaining, personal and everyday way. (Berlin and nationwide)


Achieve more. With participation.

The project “Achieve more. With participation” is developing and testing evidence-based new forms of citizen participation in five selected municipalities, here: Bramsche (Lower Saxony).


Achieve more. With participation.

The project “Achieve more. With participation” is developing and testing evidence-based new forms of citizen participation in five selected municipalities, here: Dortmund, north rhine-Westphalia.


Achieve more. With participation.

The project “Achieve more. With participation” is developing and testing evidence-based new forms of citizen participation in five selected municipalities, Görlitz, Saxony.


Achieve more. With participation.

The project “Achieve more. With participation” is developing and testing evidence-based new forms of citizen participation in five selected municipalities, here: Marzahn-Hellersdorf, Berlin.


Achieve more. With participation.

The project “Achieve more. With participation” is developing and testing evidence-based new forms of citizen participation in five selected municipalities, here: Pasewalk, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania.

Key visual

More in Common

Strategic partnership with the think tank “More in Common” to contribute to strengthening democracy on the basis of sound research findings, practical experience and mutual exchange.

Key Visual Everyday Spaces

Everyday Spaces

At “Everyday Spaces. Making a bigger impact, together”, people experience the added value of democracy and community for themselves again. Here: Growing together: Community and participation in allotment garden clubs | Peter-Weiss-Haus e.V.| Rostock | Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania.



Key Visual Everyday Spaces

Everyday spaces

At “Everyday Spaces. Making a bigger impact, together”, people experience the added value of democracy and community for themselves again. Here: Mirror, mirror on the wall...| Qulturwerkstatt e.V. | Netphen | North Rhine-Westphalia.

Menschen in einem Garten

Integration Hub

We promote integration hubs as locally organized places of exchange and cooperation between new immigrants and existing residents. 

Keyvisual Repchance

REPCHANCE - Political Representation in Inclusive Societies

"Repchance" is a research project to improve the political participation of people with a history of migration at Munich University of Applied Sciences.


Intercultural Opening

In the project “Intercultural Opening in Thuringian Municipalities”, four municipal administrations are training their intercultural competence and communication. Here: Altenburg.

Key visual of the project

Future is served!

In “Future is Served! Shaping Food Systems Together”, local authorities work together with citizens, the (agricultural) economy and civil society to create sustainable food environments. Here in the project: Samtgemeinde Bevensen-Ebstorf - Good food for everyone.

Key visual of the project

Future is served!

In “Future is Served! Shaping Food Systems Together”, local authorities work together with citizens, the (agricultural) economy and civil society to create sustainable food environments. Here in the project: Braunichswalde - Together we can provide and receive good care!

Key visual of the project

Future is served!

In “Future is Served! Shaping Food Systems Together”, local authorities work together with citizens, the (agricultural) economy and civil society to create sustainable food environments. Here in the project: Gülzow, Kollow, Krukow - Dörp Kök - Think new!

Key visual of the project

Future is served!

In “Future is Served! Shaping Food Systems Together”, local authorities work together with citizens, the (agricultural) economy and civil society to create sustainable food environments. Here in the project: Oberhavel - Brandenburg Lake District – good living, good eating – for everyone

Key visual of the project

Futures is served!

In “Future is Served! Shaping Food Systems Together”, local authorities work together with citizens, the (agricultural) economy and civil society to create sustainable food environments. Here in the project: Leichlingen, a town in bloom – Leichlingen Future Buffet – Climate on the menu!

Key visual of the project

Future is served!

In “Future is Served! Shaping Food Systems Together”, local authorities work together with citizens, the (agricultural) economy and civil society to create sustainable food environments. Here in the project: Papenburg - At the table of possibilities – shaping sustainable eating together.

Key visual of the project

Future is served!

In “Future is Served! Shaping Food Systems Together”, local authorities work together with citizens, the (agricultural) economy and civil society to create sustainable food environments. Here in the project: Tangerhütte - Future Kitchen – Good Food in Tangerhütte.

Key visual of the project

Future is served!

In “Future is Served! Shaping Food Systems Together”, local authorities work together with citizens, the (agricultural) economy and civil society to create sustainable food environments. Here in the project: Temnitz Office – better situated at the Temnitz

Key visual of the project

Future is served!

In “Future is Served! Shaping Food Systems Together”, local authorities work together with citizens, the (agricultural) economy and civil society to create sustainable food environments. Here in the project: Verden and Dörverden – building a bridge: the nutrition value network for Verden and Dörverden.

Key visual of the project

Future is served!

In “Future is Served! Shaping Food Systems Together”, local authorities work together with citizens, the (agricultural) economy and civil society to create sustainable food environments. Here in the project:  Ostallgäu district – MEAL TIME – promoting the use of regional (organic) products in Ostallgäu kitchens

Key Visual Everyday Spaces

Everyday Spaces

At “Everyday Spaces. Making a bigger impact, together”, people experience the added value of democracy and community for themselves again. Here: Stitching together – Königstein | weltbewusst e.V. | Königstein | Saxony

Key Visual Everyday Spaces

Everyday Spaces

At “Everyday Spaces. Making a bigger impact, together”, people experience the added value of democracy and community for themselves again. Here: Talking and turrets - The castle and its townspeople| Förderverein für Wasserburg und Kapellendorf e.V. | Kapellendorf | Thuringia

Key Visual Everyday Spaces

Everyday Spaces

At “Everyday Spaces. Making a bigger impact, together”, people experience the added value of democracy and community for themselves again. Here: Inclusive policymaking | KOPF, HAND und FUSS e.V. | Berlin

Key Visual Everyday Spaces

Everyday Spaces

At “Everyday Spaces. Making a bigger impact, together”, people experience the added value of democracy and community for themselves again. Here: Political garden café | ESTAruppin e.V. | Neuruppin | Brandenburg

Key Visual Everyday Spaces

Everyday Spaces

At “Everyday Spaces. Making a bigger impact, together”, people experience the added value of democracy and community for themselves again. Here: DemoCrazy: Bringing democracy to life! | Diakonie association in the district of Esslingen | Esslingen | Baden-Wuerttemberg

Key Visual Everyday Spaces

Everyday Spaces

At “Everyday Spaces. Making a bigger impact, together”, people experience the added value of democracy and community for themselves again. Here: Culture kiosk Unterbarmen | agorastadt e.V. | Wuppertal | North Rhine-Westphalia

Key Visual Everyday Spaces

Everyday Spaces

At “Everyday Spaces. Making a bigger impact, together”, people experience the added value of democracy and community for themselves again. Here: Stories from the waiting room | Gesundheitskollektiv Berlin e.V. | Berlin

Key Visual Everyday Spaces

Everyday Spaces

At “Everyday Spaces. Making a bigger impact, together”, people experience the added value of democracy and community for themselves again. Here: Creative together! | Meine Bildung und Ich e.V. | Osnabrück


Intercultural Opening

In the project “Intercultural Opening in Thuringian Municipalities”, four municipal administrations are training their intercultural competence and communication. Here: Weimar.


Intercultural Opening

In the project “Intercultural Opening in Thuringian Municipalities”, four municipal administrations are training their intercultural competence and communication. Here: Altenauer Land.


Intercultural Opening

In the project “Intercultural Opening in Thuringian Municipalities”, four municipal administrations are training their intercultural competence and communication. Here: Gotha.

People sitting in a discussion group on a meadow

United locally - for strong cooperation

In the “Locally united - for a strong community” program, 44 projects promote cohesion and respectful coexistence in smaller towns and villages throughout Germany. 


Business Council for Democracy #BC4D

The BC4D offers courses that teach people in a professional context the skills they need to recognize digital dangers and protect themselves and others from them (throughout Germany).

The VOTO digital voting aid on a smartphone

VOTO – Making Voting Simple

The digital voting aid “VOTO - Making voting easy” is used in local elections and aims to increase voter turnout among young voters. (Germany-wide) 


Hello Bundestag – Constituency Councils for Democracy

With the project “Hello Bundestag - Constituency Councils for Democracy”, we are testing a participation format in which citizens' councils draw lots to discuss with elected members of the Bundestag. (Germany-wide)

Logo Consul

The Consul Project

The award-winning open-source platform for citizen participation “Consul” ensures open, transparent, and democratic governance.

Key Visual Common Ground

Common Ground

With Common Ground, we are promoting cross-border citizen participation in eight border regions. Here in the project: “Climate change and health” in Germany, the Netherlands and Belgium.

Key Visual Common Ground

Common ground

With Common Ground, we are promoting cross-border citizen participation in eight border regions. Here in the project: Boundless Energy! Cross-Border Energy Region Ralingen-Rosport-Mompach.

Common Ground Key Visual

Common ground

With Common Ground, we are promoting cross-border citizen participation in eight border regions. Here in the project: A Field Test for a Citizen-Focused Europe. Citizen participation in the development of a cross-border SaarMoselle agglomeration concept.

Common Ground Key Visual

Common ground

With Common Ground, we are promoting cross-border citizen participation in eight border regions. Here in the project: Democrcy in action! Citizens participate across borders in the German-French border region of the Emmendingen district and PETR Sélestat-Alsace Centrale.

Common Ground Key Visual

Common ground

With Common Ground, we are promoting cross-border citizen participation in eight border regions. Here in the project: Rhine Dwellers — A Source of Inspiration. Planning region High Rhine: Joint, broad-based, cross-border spatial development.

Common Ground Key Visual

Common ground

With Common Ground, we are promoting cross-border citizen participation in eight border regions. Here in the project: Creative Picnic by the Water!
The European twin cities of Frankfurt (Oder) and Słubice. Administration, politics and citizens joining forces for a climate-friendly, integrated, cross-border city center by 2035.

Common Ground Key Visual

Common ground

With Common Ground, we are promoting cross-border citizen participation in eight border regions. Here in the project: Closing Mines — Joining Hands!
Cross-border citizen participation for mutual understanding and designing a just transformation process in the Germany-Poland-Czech Republic border triangle.

Respectful coexistence

In a democratic culture that values diversity, citizens learn to compromise and pursue their common interests in respectful coexistence. But expectations of greater participation often go unfulfilled. This can reinforce the feeling among people that they are not sufficiently represented and involved. It not only leads to a loss of legitimacy, but also to social division and an increase in populist movements. We therefore want to actively involve citizens in decision-making processes. This strengthens trust in politics and creates greater acceptance and legitimacy. Our focus is on innovative formats of citizen participation as a supplement to representative democracy, so that more people can experience being active shapers of political processes. We also especially want to involve those segments of the population that have only been marginally reached until now. 

By closely linking citizen participation and inclusive social development, we can foster a resilient and adaptable democracy. A democracy that people not only understand but actively and collectively create. The goal: a democratic future that we all shape responsibly together.

Learn more
Democracy education

#IchStehAuf: "Children have a voice that counts"

Three head teachers explain why democracy education is so important right now.
June 05, 2024

Strengthening Democracy: 7 Things You Can Do Right Now

Seven concrete things we can do to take action for democracy—compiled by the Democracy Team at the Robert Bosch Stiftung.
February 08, 2024
Guest article

“The General Act on Equal Treatment needs to be reformed urgently”

Germany has one of the weakest anti-discrimination laws in Europe. A call for change by the Federal Commissioner for Anti-Discrimination.
February 01, 2024
Reducing Inequality

How a citizens' council could contribute to tax justice

Most Germans would like to see less inequality in society. A citizens' council can help, a study shows.
November 13, 2023

When silent groups are no longer silent...

For a long time, people with a migration background were considered a silent group. But this is now changing, and it is a win for democracy. Nevertheless, hurdles remain...
July 19, 2023

"To figure out how to improve democracy accessible knowledge is key"

Seema Shah from International IDEA talks about today's challenges for global democracy. 
March 14, 2023

Andrea Preußker

Director Good schools and preschools
Phone +49 711 46084-758
e-mail to Andrea Preußker

Antje Scheidler

Director Democracy & Inequality
Phone +49 30 220025-175
e-mail to Antje Scheidler

Gordian Haas, PhD

Senior Expert Democracy
Phone +49 30 220025-492
e-mail to Gordian Haas, PhD

Ferdinand Mirbach, PhD

Senior Expert Immigration Society
Phone +49 711 46084-480
e-mail to Ferdinand Mirbach, PhD

Press contact

Michael Herm, Senior Expert
Phone +49 711 46084-290
e-mail to Press contact