Impact of Oil Extraction Industries on Local Communities and Environment in Hadhramawt Governorate, Yemen (2022-2023)

The interaction of climate change and environmental stress that is caused by oil extraction and its effect on public health will be tackled by working with communities and stakeholders in Yemen.

About the project

Over the past years, the oil extraction industry and climatic disasters obviously played an important role in environmental degradation and socio-political instability in Yemen. Based on these problems, the Yemeni organization Ettifaq and its partners CARPO and MMF explore the impact of oil extraction in the governorate of Hadhramawt. Livelihoods and the health of local communities are at the focus of the project, as well as the way environmental pressure exacerbates tension and hinders coexistence.
Through understanding the impact of the oil industry’s high pollution on the one hand and using this gained knowledge for a range of social interactions on the other hand, the complex topic is approached. Resolving and targeting environmental stress, also within the local communities, constitutes a key prerequisite for a longstanding and sustainable peace process.

Who organizes and supports the project?

Ettifaq Center for Environmental and Agricultural Consultations was established in 2020, based on the urgent need to preserve the Yemeni environment and to develop agricultural production to bridge the food gap in Yemen. The center seeks to contribute to finding scientific solutions and providing consultations, studies and experiences in the field of environment and agriculture to various government agencies and local and international organizations.

The Medical Mercy Foundation (MMF) was founded in Sana'a, Yemen in 2004. It is a national non-governmental association and medical humanitarian organization that provides emergency aid to vulnerable people affected by conflict, epidemics, natural disasters and those without access to healthcare.

The Center for Applied Research in Partnership with the Orient (CARPO) was founded in 2014 by Germany-based academics trained in the fields of Near and Middle Eastern Studies, Political Science and Social Anthropology. CARPO will provide guidance on developing a joint policy brief with Ettifaq on environmental sustainability in the study sites.

Your contact persons

Dr. Eidah Ali Assa'dy
Medical Mercy Foundation
e-mail to Dr. Eidah Ali Assa'dy
Ali Al-Amudi
Medical Mercy Foundation
e-mail to Ali Al-Amudi