Strategy Workshop on Women’s Land Rights and the Rio Conventions
July 3 – July 5, 2023
08:15 am – 05:45 pm (C.E.T.)
Robert Bosch Stiftung
Französische Str. 32
10117 Berlin
All three Rio Conventions have set themselves ambitious land-based-targets for climate change action, biodiversity protection and against land degradation. Land presents a common thread to all three Conventions, inextricably linking them. The question becomes how commitments and actions made under the Conventions can be effectively coordinated and synergetically implemented while taking into account gender equality and land rights? This workshop will consider local, national, and global perspectives – including recommendations from the UN and international organizations, Rio Convention’s national focal points, and civil society – on the ways and means to enhance women’s land rights to increase biodiversity conservation, enhance climate change mitigation and adaptation, and achieve land degradation neutrality. The aim is to explore coordinated strategies for capacity development and other joint activities to support Member States in fulfilling their gender commitments vis-à-vis the land use sector.
In collaboration with TMG Research gGmbH and the Secretariat of the UN Convention to Combat Desertification