World Migration Report 2022 Launched

This week, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) launched its World Migration Report 2022, on the margins of the IOM Council Meeting in Geneva. It has been supported by the Robert Bosch Stiftung.

Robert Bosch Stiftung | December 2021

This week, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) launched its World Migration Report 2022, on the margins of the IOM Council Meeting in Geneva. Sandra Breka, CEO of the Robert Bosch Stiftung, joined IOM Director General Antonio Vitorino, Ambassador Simon Geissbühler, Peace and Security Head, Swiss Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Dr. Selmo Cikotic, Minister for Security, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Australian Assistant Minister for Customs, Community Safety and Multicultural Affairs, the Hon. Jason Wood and Ugochi Daniels, IOM Deputy Director General for Operations, to present the World Migration Report. 

The report, supported by the Robert Bosch Stiftung, aims at contributing to an increased understanding of migration and human mobility throughout the world. It offers key data and information on migration as well as analyses of topical migration issues. 

The first part of the World Migration Report highlights key information on migration and migrants, including migration-related statistics. The second part presents an evidence-based analysis of complex and emerging migration issues, such as:

  • The Great Disrupter: COVID-19’s impact on migration, mobility and migrants globally (Chapter 5)
  • Peace and security as drivers of stability, development and safe migration (Chapter 6)
  • Disinformation about migration: An age-old issue with new tech dimensions (Chapter 8) 
  • Migration and the slow-onset impacts of climate change: Taking stock and taking action (Chapter 9)
  • Artificial intelligence, migration and mobility: Implications for policy and practice (Chapter 11)

The report thus provides a key pillar for evidence-based policymaking and discussions in the field of migration, which are crucial to working together on migration internationally. To enhance the accessibility of information across sectors, it is accompanied by toolkits for people working on and learning about migration.

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