Osama Salem

Senior Project Manager
#Migration #Refugees #Protection #HumanRights

Osama is a Senior Project Manager in the migration team and has many years of experience in migration and refugee issues,particularly in international protection, statelessness, the international refugee regime, and political participation and governance. His United Nations experience with UNHCR, IOM, UN-OCHA and in Berlin in 2015/16 enabled him to work first hand with refugees and migrants firsthand in the field. Having personally experienced displacement, he founded the network for refugee voices (NRV) with a group of fellow refugee leaders to facilitate greater participation of refugees themselves in the development of the Global Compact on Refugees. Osama wrote his master’s thesis on the Common European Asylum System in 2012 at the European University of Flensburg and Syddansk University.


Phone +49 30 220025-351
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