Kerstin Lohse-Friedrich

Senior Vice President
#TranslatorforFoundational #Newsjunkie #China

Kerstin is head of communications and is responsible for internal and external communications as well as events. She holds a Master's degree in Political Science and Sinology from the University of Heidelberg and an MBA in Communication & Leadership from Quadriga University Berlin. After her studies, she worked for 5 years as ARD China correspondent (radio) in Shanghai and almost 5 years as political correspondent in the ARD capital studio. She then took over as Head of Communications at MERICS (Mercator Institute for Chinese Studies).

Phone +49-30 220025-367
Social media

"Foundations need to make their voices heard more, because they have a lot to contribute to the current societal challenges!"


Kerstin Lohse-Friedrich (2022): Was Corporate Influencer leisten können. KOM, Magazin für Kommunikation.