Why are we running this project?
Many of earth's natural resources are dwindling. Their exploitation creates an ever increasing pressure on the global ecosystems. As environmental degradation continues inter- and transdisciplinary approaches are necessary to tackle these global challenges.
What are our goals?
With the Robert Bosch Junior Professorship we seek to contribute to a better standing of the emerging field of sustainability science in Germany.
How does the project work?
Each year we invite applications for the Robert Bosch Junior Professorship "Research into the Sustainable Use of Natural Resources" granting up to one million euros for an outstanding young researcher based at a German university or research institute. Over a period of five years we support his or her applied research project which concerns the sustainable use of natural resources. We expect that research results contribute to the solution of urgent environmental problems and to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) formulated by the United Nations.
Currently no applications are possible.
Members of the Advisory Board and the selection committee:
Dr. Ousmane Badiane
Director for Africa, International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington
Professor Dr. Stephan Dabbert
President, University of Hohenheim
Dr. Inge Paulini
President of the Federal Office for Radiation Protection
Professor Dr. Lucia Reisch
Department of Management, Society and Communication, Copenhagen Business School
Professor Dr. Ortwin Renn
Scientific Director, Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies, Potsdam
Professor Dr. Martina Schäfer // Dr. Gabriele Wendorf
Scientific Management, Center for Technology and Society, Technical University of Berlin
Professor em. Dr. Paul L.G. Vlek
Center for Development Research, University of Bonn