Press Release

Future is served! – Call for proposals for municipal funding program

  • Robert Bosch Stiftung will support up to ten municipalities in making food in their region more sustainable
  • Towns and municipalities with fewer than 50,000 inhabitants can submit ideas for pilot projects until May 15
  • Citizen participation should be a central element

Stuttgart, Jan. 24, 2024 –There are many good reasons for local communities to think about the future of our food supply. For example, in local school lunch programs: Using food from the region not only secures local jobs, it also protects the climate thanks to shorter transport routes. From now until May 15, municipalities with fewer than 50,000 inhabitants can apply for the program "Future is served: Shaping food systems together" of the Robert Bosch Stiftung GmbH. The Foundation is  seeking up to ten municipalities in Germany that want to develop approaches for a more sustainable local food system together with their citizens.

The focus should be on concrete local challenges. Projects that involve citizens, civil society and the food industry are desired. For example, cooperative markets for producers, restaurants and consumers, a “weekly sustainability market" or an action plan against food waste are conceivable. During the two-year funding phase, the selected municipalities will receive professional support in developing their pilot projects as well as funding and advice on implementing inclusive participation processes. They will also have the opportunity to network and exchange ideas with experts and other municipal projects.

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Stefanie Kaufmann Dimeski
Robert Bosch Stiftung
Französische Str. 32
10117 Berlin
Phone+49 30 220025-312
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