The Future of Education

New Paths to New Knowledge

The world is changing at breakneck speed. Society is becoming increasingly diverse. How can schools meet the needs and fulfil the potential of all their students under these conditions? We look at Education in and for the future in this dossier on the German School Award. What can we learn from model schools? What incentives can promote innovation in education? And what will schools look like in 2035, when many children who have started school this year will be graduating from high school? Read on – there's a lot to learn.

At Ketteler School, Bonn
Henning Ross
Inclusive School

Diversity welcome

At the inclusive Ketteler Primary School, it is easy to see how schools can cope with the growing heterogeneity of pupils.
Look into the Future

A Day At School in 2035

What will teaching look like in the future? Here’s some food for thought.
Opinion Piece

“Schools must prepare children and young people for constant change…“

Karin Prien outlines how the German education system has to change in the future – and what role is played by initiatives such as the...

Promoting more good schools

How best practices in schools are spread through the Robert Bosch Stiftung.