Insights and news

Fighting Historical Fake News with Facts

To story

Fighting Hatred with Head and Heart

To story

Who Are You on the Digital Stage?

To story
In brief

About the project

In the debate about sociopolitical issues on the internet, the tone of language tends to become harsher, with discriminatory and hostile statements dominating the discussion instead of respect and understanding. Civil society’s commitment and the demonstration of moral courage on digital media can draw the line against the increase in online hate speech. In support of this cause, numerous stakeholders of civil society and initiatives in Germany have formed a community dedicated to the shared mission to fight hate speech on the internet and establish a positive debate culture. Founded in late 2017, the NETTZ platform gives an overview of existing initiatives and their fields of activities, pools information on the issue, and provides the framework for an exchange among actors. It also offers a competition to support innovative action against hate speech. NETTZ is an independent platform; its operations and organization are run by betterplace lab, the social-digital think-and-do tank of the NGO Sponsors and driving forces of NETTZ, the network against hate speech, are the Robert Bosch Stiftung and the German Federal Ministry of Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (BMFSFJ).

Contact person

Hanna Gleiß
Das NETTZ – die Vernetzungsstelle gegen Hate Speech
Phone+49 176 46 29 71 30
e-mail to Hanna Gleiß

Contact at Robert Bosch Foundation

Nina Lüders
Senior Project Manager
Phone+49 30 220025-124
e-mail to Nina Lüders