

Opportunities instead of ‘crisis’

Resilient municipalities in the context of migration, integration and participation
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Agriculture, forestry and food in a climate neutral EU

The land use sectors as part of a sustainable food system and bioeconomy
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Cover germanwatch_EN

Deforestation-free production and keeping smallholders in supply chains

Findings from organisations that already trace their supply chains
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Cover MPI Final report

The End of Asylum?

Evolving the Protection System to Meet 21st Century Challenges
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Report 2023

The Foundation, Facts & Figures
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Towards climate friendly and resilient agri-food systems in Central Eastern Europe

The role of agroecological practices, sustainable diets and holistic policies
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Common Ground: Country Report Germany

The Significance of Citizen Participation in Politics and Society
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Scars of War and Deprivation

An Urgent Call to Reverse Tigray's Humanitarian Crisis
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Women and children in front of a contact point for refugees

Expanding Protection Options?

Flexible Approaches to Status for Displaced Syrians, Venezuelans, and Ukrainians
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Text-Einstiegsseite der Publikation "Equal Partnerships Policy Paper"

Equal Partnerships Policy Paper

Creating Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships to Address Urban Migration and Displacement in African Intermediary Cities
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The Mobility Key

Realizing the Potential of Refugee Travel Documents
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Confronting Compassion Fatigue

Understanding the arc of public support for displaced populations in Turkey, Colombia, and Europe
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