
Forging New Paths for Peace and Hope

Robert Bosch Stiftung
Hand und Fuss Film

How can we create sustainable peace and give people in crisis areas new hope? The Principles for Peace initiative is developing new, contemporary answers to this question.

May 03, 2022

The international system for conflict resolution and peacebuilding is flawed: Conflicts often spark again just a few years after reaching a peace agreement. Around the globe, the number of violent crises is rising – not least because those actually affected by conflict are frequently excluded from peace processes.
With support from the Robert Bosch Stiftung and the Swedish, Danish, German, Swiss, and Dutch foreign ministries, the international Commission for the “Principles for Peace” initiative is exploring new ways to shape peace processes in crisis hotspots in the 21st century. The commission’s members met in Berlin in March to share their work with the new government and reflect on their achievements. So far, the Commission has held talks with around 400 local stakeholders, peace activists, and NGOs from more than 60 different countries with a total of over 100,000 insights gathered from those affected from conflict. In one of our #recorded videos, three Commission members explain how they plan to leverage the wealth of available information to design a framework of action that firmly anchors peace within a society and gives people new cause for hope.  

Principles for Peace

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A global participatory initiative to develop a new set of principles, standards and norms to fundamentally reshape how peace processes are structured.

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