The Robert Bosch Stiftung, Federal Foreign Office of Germany, Stimson Center, Academic Council on the UN System (ACUNS), Plataforma CIPÓ, and Leiden University convened a global public forum in March 2021 which gathered some 500 participants from all over the world, and three roundtables with select experts from Europe and beyond. The events sought to offer diverse perspectives from Europe and other regions in response to the overarching question: “In marking 75 years of the United Nations, how can the results of last year’s intense reflection now be turned into action and contribute to innovation and strengthening of the world body?” The two main goals were: first, to identify the international actors responsible for advancing the UN75 Declaration’s vision, and second, to propose concrete ideas and strategies for the Secretary-General to consider for his forthcoming report’s recommendations to realize the UN75 Declaration’s full potential.